Monday, January 7, 2008

NPR - A Way With Words

Posted on the "A Way With Words" website at today is my contribution to the national conversation. My wife Julie and I have been going round and round about "regardless" and "irregardless" for some time. The commentary I have with the gracious hosts is somewhere in the middle of the show, but if you want to sharpen your verbage and literary useage of vocabulary, the entire show is well worth listening to. Unfortunately, a lovely story about Julie and I speaking with her grandfather and him correcting her useage of "regardless" never got told. I'll have to tell you that one later. Thanks to Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett for great fun on the national stage. 15 minutes of fame, one second at a time!


Grant Barrett said...

Frank, we were pleased to have you on the show. An ideal guest in every respect!

Martha said...

What Grant said! :-) You rock, Frank!